Hi Michael here,
I have been a Health Coach for over 30 years, a nutritionist for over 20 years and am the writer of The Non Pc Diet and creator of The Obesity Solution.
I have a personal interest in diabetes as one of my children has had T1 diabetes since a baby (He’s now 20 years old healthy working young man)
I am the UK’s only independent health coach granted permission to distribute FREE recipe books from Diabetes.co.uk
- In September 2020 it was estimated there were 15 million adults in the UK who were obese
- In 2023 4.4 million people in the UK diagnosed with Diabetes and just over 90% of these are T2 Diabetes
- 93% T2 diabetics and are overweight or obese
- In 2024 a further 5.1 million people were thought to be pre-T 2 Diabetic.
- About 90% of people with diabetes in the UK have type 2 diabetes, while about 8% have type 1 diabetes.
- If you are currently overweight you are 3 times more likely to develop T2 Diabetes and if you are obese you are 7 times more likely.
The good news both obesity and T2 diabetes can be reversed using real food as a medicine.
Sinch the mid 1970’s before the processing of real food both obesity and T2 Diabetes were only a fraction of todays figures.
You simply swap poison processed carbs for pure carbs (fruit and veg) and meat, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds.
Get the worlds BEST diet today start improving your health and start losing weight in the right way!