Hi Mike here aka The Peoples Health Coach
I have been helping people improve and protect their health naturally for over 30 years.
I am the writer of a number of health books and the creator of ABED Health the UK’s 1st Lifestyle Program to be awarded therapy status.
Currently in the UK there are
- 15 million adults with obesity
- 8 million with T2 diabetes or pre diabetes
- 5 million with Asthma
- 75% of UK adults sometimes feel so stressed that they become overwhelmed.
- Since 1970 the rates of obesity and T2 diabetes have rocketed (see graphs below)
- Children are now more likley for the 1st time in history more likely to die at a younger age then their parents
- I lay the blame solely at the feet of the False Food Industry and Processed Carbs
- Without the false food industry obesity would never exist and T2 Diabetes would be a fraction of today’s rates
- To help take the fight to the food industry I am giving away my award winning healthy weight loss program for free till 25/04/25
- I also run a healthy online mind and body fitness club with membership for just £5.50 p/w